


The festival is an ideal context to be playful and experiment, therefore we really strive to foster an environment predicated with an ethos of love & care. This starts with how we look after ourselves and those around us. Expect an increase in more trained professionals and medical staff this year, we will once again have an on call psychologist. There will be an expansion of first aid / awareness points.

If you are not feeling well, reach out. If a friend is not doing well, don’t hide them in a tent. No judgement, find our team. If someone is alone and seems like they could use a little attention, step in or locate a staff member. We are all family; let’s look out for one another.

Consume responsibly, drink water, piss clear, eat and rest… don’t overdo it!

We are committed to nurturing a diverse and helpful Awareness Team that inspires thoughtful harm reduction & safety. Closer to the festival we will post about the exact location of the awareness tents & first aid tents, how to locate these team members, and what to do in an emergency.

Always ask for help from those around you. This event is a co-creation and a big component is you committing to playing an active, caring role.

If you have medication that needs to be refrigerated, register at the Info Point.

If the situation is ever dire, remember to use the SOS function on the WHOLE Festival app.


The act of thousands of queer people coming together is a revolutionary act that creates the potential for a transcendent experience. But to achieve this we all must be considerate in how we approach one another.

As organisers and producers of the festival, we do our best to curate and provide infrastructural & cultural components. The final, key ingredient to the mix is the co-creation brought by you, the audience. To create an inclusive, safe, and welcoming environment, we encourage everyone attending our festival to align with the following values during their time at WHOLE.

Day-to-day life can be fractured and disenchanted, if not oppressive and discriminatory. At WHOLE we aim to make space for one another with an attitude of care & kindness. Giving and taking space is a political act. And a truly inclusive communal space starts with prioritising the needs of those on the margins. Only when we understand our pleasure and empowerment as being intertwined with one another can we begin to speak of collective liberation. Derogatory, harassing, and aggressive speech and behaviour are never tolerated.

Respect everyone’s identity and background, including pronouns and names. Do not assume people’s gender identity, sexual preference, cultural background, religion, or health status, etc. Sensitive topics, like conversations surrounding violence, nudity or sex, might be easy for some but triggering for others. So, please be gentle and ask for consent when in doubt.

WHOLE is a laboratory for the elevation of collective pleasure. But sharing pleasure requires sharing power. Consent happens when we recognize the equal autonomy of the other, and pay attention to the reciprocity of pleasure. Consent can be erotic or platonic. Consent can involve obtaining permission, but also finding out “how they like it”. Stay curious about the pleasure of your queer others, and respect pleasures other than yours. Consent can be withdrawn at any time. If you witness or experience inappropriate physical contact or unwelcome sexual attention, or any other form of unacceptable behaviour, please notify our Awareness Team. At the same time, Awareness means care work, and it involves all WHOLE participants.

WHOLE Festival thrives on the celebration of difference with an eye toward transgressing the norm. Engaging each other with curiosity, care, and consideration makes this transgression possible and pleasurable.

Talk to strangers — it’s a rave. Don’t spend your time on the app, judging the humanity of others based on reductionist identity categories. Participate in expanding the plurality of pleasure at this suspended temporary utopia.

In the words of Terence Andrews, “the unfamiliar doesn’t mean unethical.” But in cases where difference becomes disagreement, aim to address the issue in good faith. Should you feel uncomfortable or need support, talk to our Awareness Team and/or bystanders around you.

Festivals can become sensorially and emotionally overwhelming experiences. Before embarking on the journey, we invite you to set an intention: what are your wishes, needs, and boundaries for the weekend? Like a mantra, intentions can be a useful tool for self-consent, for finding grounding while you let go, and lift off. We advocate for a dose of mindfulness with our indulgence.

Photos by Marine


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